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CEO of Holografika Tibor Balogh

文章来源:SouVR.com 作者:Frank 发布时间:2010年11月15日 点击数: 字号:

Tibor Balogh 简介
CEO of Holografika
,毕业于布达佩斯理工大学电子工程专业:他在全息术、电光技术和工程等领域有着丰富的经验。1996年,他创立了Holografika, 重点研制其专有的真实3D可视化技术, 并将其命名为HoloVizio.

Tibor Balogh,CEO of Holografika在会上发表下一代3D技术--裸眼3D显示的演讲。 

Subject: Glasses Free Technologies, the next step in 3D

Speaker: CEO of Holografika Tibor Balogh

Brief Introduction:
While stereoscopic glasses systems became to the mainstream through Hollywood movies and there is a strong motivation to create the channels to the home, there are discussions going on whether glasses systems can be the base for the home platform on the long term.

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