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  马萨诸塞大学安姆斯特分校建于1863年,1947年正式并入马萨诸塞大学,是一所研究为主的公立大学,现有约25000名学生,来自美国50个州和世界100多个国家。大学开设了87个本科专业,73个研究生专业,以及51个博士专业。大学每年对于研究的投入多达一百多万美金。校园位于马萨诸塞州西部,占地1450英亩。   阿姆赫斯特校区有10个学院,主要包括:教育学院、工程学院、人文和艺术学院、管理学院、自然资源和环境学院、自然科学和数学学院、护理学院、公共卫生和健康科学学院、社会和行为科学学院、农学院。   阿姆赫斯特校区的商学院下设六个系:会计和信息系统;金融和运营管理;旅游管理;管理;市场;运动管理;商业沟通。   MBA项目具有自己的特色,教师在教学和研究上均有出色成绩,强调小班教学和师生之间的合作。同时,学生还有机会获得经济资助,实习机会以及与当地企业进行交流的机会。



  Commonwealth College   The Commonwealth College (ComCol) is the honors college at UMass. The honors college provides students the opportUnity to intensify their UMass academic curriculum. The requirements of the college are to complete a set number of the required classes for one's major at the honors level as well as complete a senior year thesis or caPSTone project and several Dean's book courses. Completion of the ComCol courseload is required in order to graduate the University with higher Latin honors designations, such as magna or summa cum laude. Graduates with Grade Point Averages of higher than 3.2 on a 4.0 scale receive the Latin honor cum laude whether they are members of the ComCol or not. ComCol provides honors students an additional commUnity of students to interact with outside of their academic department.   Library   The W.E.B. DuBois library is the tallest library in the United States and the tallest academic library in the world. It is also well regarded for its innovative architectural design, which incorporates the bookshelves into the structural support of the building.It is home of the memoirs and papers of the distinguished African-American activist and Massachusetts native W. E. B. Du Bois as well as being the depository for other important collections, such as the papers of the late Congressman Silvio O. Conte.   Special Collections include   Social change and movements for social change   African American history and culture   Labor, work, and industry   Literature and the arts   Agriculture   The history of the region   The W.E.B. DuBois Library is also notable for being home to the Learning Commons,opened in 2005. The Learning Commons provides a central location for resources provided by several departments across campus including Library Reference, Office of Information Technologies help desk, Academic Advising, Writing Center, Career Services, and Assistive Technologies Center. The Learning Commons has 164 computers with a broad range of software installed arranged in a variety of configurations for both individual and collaborative work. The library has all sorts of services including tutoring, writing workshops, and supplemental instruction scattered among its 26 floors. The building itself is so large that it needs a security force. That security force is the Building Monitor Desk. The desk is managed by various supervisors and student employees.   The Integrated Sciences and Engineering Library is the other main library on campus. It is
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