模型文件导入EON软件的问题 总结
SolidWorks (*.sldprt, *.sldasm): SolidWorks Part and Assembly files.
Stereo Lithography .STL (.stl): STL files are typically used for rapid prototyping in CAD programs. It is a simple, triangle-based format.
TrueSpace (*.cob, *.scn): The file format used by Caligari TrueSpace.
USGS DEM (*.dem) United States Geological Survey (USGS) digital elevation model (dem) files. Many 3D landscape files are available in this format on the Internet.
WaveFront (*.obj): WaveFront OBJ (object) files are used by WaveFront's Advanced Visualizer application to store geometric objects composed of lines, polygons, free-form curves and Surfaces.
VRML 2.0 (*.wrl)/VRML 97(*.wrl) VRML is short for Virtual Reality Modeling Language and is actually a specification for displaying 3-D objects on the Internet. The reason that there are two importers is that the first one comes from Okino while the second one is developed in-house which has the ability to import keyframes.
XGL/ZGL (*.xgl, *.zgl): XML-based transfer file format, exportable from a number of popular CAD applications.
当然,也可以用Deep exploration这款软件来导的,这个是美国一家公司开发的,EON和VT都用这个来进行了下二次开发。通过这款软件,我们可以打开绝大部分3D/CAD软件的文件,然后可以在上面附材质,压缩面,合并Object等等,最后可以导出成EON和VT的专属格式(当然,要完成最后这一步,我们需要先装EON或者VT的插件才行)
呵呵,当然啦,如果是做实验、研究之类或者是交个论文报告什么的,就不需要这样的,对视觉效果没什么要求,直接导入或者用Deep exploration导入都行。