松下电器(中国)有限公司技术总监 陈曦
松下电器(中国)有限公司技术总监 陈曦
D x 2 frame sequential method for 3D image playback and for this played a key role in forming HDMI and BDA standards. Panasonic 3D solutions begin with recording 3D content on-location, and extend to image encoding, authoring and disc production, and then to home theater systems for the whole family to enjoy. Panasonic's full HD 3D home theater system takes full advantage of the unique properties of the most advanced PDP device such as high-speed illumination and color reproduction to create Immersive, true-to-life and high-quality full HD 3D images.RealD 82" Mitsubishi DLP TV Bundle (WD-73735) Mitsubishi Model WD-82737 家庭影院 裸眼立体显示器 偏振立体显示器
上一篇:中国立体视像(3D)产业联盟副秘书长 费悦明[ 04-21 ]
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