北京理工大学教授 刘越
北京理工大学教授 刘越
A new elimination distortions condition and design method of stereoscopic camera and display system is presented. A reproduction image without distortions can be obtained in some scope by choosing appropriate parameters of camera, display and viewing system. A new color volumetric display method utilizing multiple projectors is proposed, which can solve the contradictions among the volume resolution, the number of color bits and the volume refresh rate in the existing true 3D volumetric display system. True color, high resolution and real-time dynamic true 3D display can be achieved easily with the brand-new design of our system.
上一篇:天马微电子股份有限公司3D产品组经理 牛磊[ 04-20 ]
下一篇:中国立体视像(3D)产业联盟副秘书长 费悦明[ 04-21 ]