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[7] Mu Mu and Qin Zheng,2005, Zigzag Oscillations in Variational Data Assimilation with Physical "On-Off" Processes, Month Weather Review,Vol.133,2711-2720.
[8] Mu Mu, Liang Sun and H.A. Dijkstra,2004,The sensitivity and stability of thermohaline circulation of ocean to finite amplitude perturbations,Journal of Physical Oceanography ,34,2305-2315。
[9] Mu Mu, Wang Jiafeng,2003,A method to adjoint variational data assimilation with physical "on-off" processes,Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences ,60,2010-2018。
[10] Mu Mu, Wansuo Duan, and Bin Wang,2003,Conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation and its applications,Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 10, 493-501.