any Dartmouth student organizationsare housed in the Collis Center, the hub of student activities at thecollege.
CommUnity service is also a major part of the Dartmouthexperience. More than 20 percent of undergraduates volunteer, throughthe Tucker Foundation, for some form of commUnity service to thesurrounding Upper Valley commUnity.
The arts at Dartmouthflourish in the two excellent facilities designed to make artisticexpression a vital part of commUnity life: the Hood Museum of Art andthe Hopkins Center for the Arts.
Dartmouth's 34 intercollegiateteams are members of NCAA DiVision I and compete largely within the IvyLeague and the ECAC. With a strong emphasis on equal opportUnity,Dartmouth's athletic opportunities include 16 women's programs, 16men's programs and two coed teams. In addition, nearly a dozen clubsports are available; 3,000 undergraduates annually take part in nearlytwo-dozen intramural sports.
CommUnity service is also a major part of the Dartmouthexperience. More than 20 percent of undergraduates volunteer, throughthe Tucker Foundation, for some form of commUnity service to thesurrounding Upper Valley commUnity.
The arts at Dartmouthflourish in the two excellent facilities designed to make artisticexpression a vital part of commUnity life: the Hood Museum of Art andthe Hopkins Center for the Arts.
Dartmouth's 34 intercollegiateteams are members of NCAA DiVision I and compete largely within the IvyLeague and the ECAC. With a strong emphasis on equal opportUnity,Dartmouth's athletic opportunities include 16 women's programs, 16men's programs and two coed teams. In addition, nearly a dozen clubsports are available; 3,000 undergraduates annually take part in nearlytwo-dozen intramural sports.