中国热带农业科学院、华南热带农业大学(简称热农院校)创建于 1958年,在发展历程中,老一辈革命家周恩来、朱德、叶剑英、董必武、王震等,新一代国家领导人江泽民、朱镕基、胡锦涛、温家宝等都给予了亲切的关怀,先后到院校视察。
热农院校师资和科研力量雄厚。拥有高级专业人员 385人,中级专业人员622人;其中博士生导师50人、硕士生导师218人,享受政府特贴125人,获国家级有突出贡献专家6人,获部级有突出贡献专家15人,获省优专家22人。此外,还聘请了30多名国内外知名专家担任客座教授。
科学院全面开展热带农业领域的科学研究,在国内、国际上享有较高的知名度。设有 5个非营利研究所、4个转企所和1个国家重点实验室、4个部级重点实验室、3个省级重点实验室,5个部级检测中心和1个分析测试中心。
大学设有 10个学院。办学层次齐全,有博士后、博士、硕士、普通本科、高等职业教育专科和成人教育各个层次。学科特色突出,在热带农业科教方面优势明显,所设专业涵盖了农学、理学、工学、管理学、文学、法学等学科门类,其中有1个国家级重点学科、2个部级重点学科、3个省级重点学科、1个博士后科研流动站和1个教育部批准设置的“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授岗位,7个博士学位授权点、22个硕士学位授权点、1个专业学位授权点以及32个本科专业、17个高职专科专业。在校学生11556人。目前已培养大学毕业生2万多人。国际知名的青年科学家、中国农业大学校长陈章良、南京农业大学校长郑小波就毕业于该校。
English Introduction
Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) and South China University of Tropical Agriculture (SCUTA), founded in 1958 and located in the west part of Hainan Province, China, own a campus land of 200 ha (167 ha at Danzhou Campus and 33 ha at Haikou Campus) and a land of 4,000 ha for trials and experiments.
CATAS/SCUTA are closely linked research and higher educational institutions involved in research, teaching and development in tropical agriculture, and have a very strong faculty in research and teaching: more than 350 senior full and associate professors, and 39 renowned internal and external visiting full professors.
CATAS consists of 5 non-profit research institutes and 4 profit-making research institutes, as well as 1 state key laboratory, 4 ministerial key laboratories, 3 provincial key laboratories, 5 ministerial inspection and testing centers, and 1 analysis and test center.
SCUTA consists of 9 colleges, has 1 postdoctoral mobile station and 1 Yangtze River Scholar position, and offers 7 doctoral programmes, 22 Master's programmes and 26 bachelor's programmes, 1 professional degree programme and 17 associate programmes. It has an enrolment of more than 11,000 students, and has since graduated more than 20,000 students. Some world known scientists such as Prof. Chen Zhangliang, President of China Agricultural University, and Prof. Zheng Xiaobo, President of Nanjing Agricultural University, were graduated from SCUTA.
CATAS/SCUTA have acquired 895 achievements in the past more than 40 years, of which more than 290 were awarded various prizes at the state, ministerial and provincial levels. Some of the achievements are among the world level. CATAS/SCUTA have since made great contributions to the development of tropical agriculture in China.
中国热带农业科学院、华南热带农业大学(简称热农院校)创建于 1958年,在发展历程中,老一辈革命家周恩来、朱德、叶剑英、董必武、王震等,新一代国家领导人江泽民、朱镕基、胡锦涛、温家宝等都给予了亲切的关怀,先后到院校视察。
热农院校师资和科研力量雄厚。拥有高级专业人员 385人,中级专业人员622人;其中博士生导师50人、硕士生导师218人,享受政府特贴125人,获国家级有突出贡献专家6人,获部级有突出贡献专家15人,获省优专家22人。此外,还聘请了30多名国内外知名专家担任客座教授。
科学院全面开展热带农业领域的科学研究,在国内、国际上享有较高的知名度。设有 5个非营利研究所、4个转企所和1个国家重点实验室、4个部级重点实验室、3个省级重点实验室,5个部级检测中心和1个分析测试中心。
大学设有 10个学院。办学层次齐全,有博士后、博士、硕士、普通本科、高等职业教育专科和成人教育各个层次。学科特色突出,在热带农业科教方面优势明显,所设专业涵盖了农学、理学、工学、管理学、文学、法学等学科门类,其中有1个国家级重点学科、2个部级重点学科、3个省级重点学科、1个博士后科研流动站和1个教育部批准设置的“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授岗位,7个博士学位授权点、22个硕士学位授权点、1个专业学位授权点以及32个本科专业、17个高职专科专业。在校学生11556人。目前已培养大学毕业生2万多人。国际知名的青年科学家、中国农业大学校长陈章良、南京农业大学校长郑小波就毕业于该校。
English Introduction
Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences (CATAS) and South China University of Tropical Agriculture (SCUTA), founded in 1958 and located in the west part of Hainan Province, China, own a campus land of 200 ha (167 ha at Danzhou Campus and 33 ha at Haikou Campus) and a land of 4,000 ha for trials and experiments.
CATAS/SCUTA are closely linked research and higher educational institutions involved in research, teaching and development in tropical agriculture, and have a very strong faculty in research and teaching: more than 350 senior full and associate professors, and 39 renowned internal and external visiting full professors.
CATAS consists of 5 non-profit research institutes and 4 profit-making research institutes, as well as 1 state key laboratory, 4 ministerial key laboratories, 3 provincial key laboratories, 5 ministerial inspection and testing centers, and 1 analysis and test center.
SCUTA consists of 9 colleges, has 1 postdoctoral mobile station and 1 Yangtze River Scholar position, and offers 7 doctoral programmes, 22 Master's programmes and 26 bachelor's programmes, 1 professional degree programme and 17 associate programmes. It has an enrolment of more than 11,000 students, and has since graduated more than 20,000 students. Some world known scientists such as Prof. Chen Zhangliang, President of China Agricultural University, and Prof. Zheng Xiaobo, President of Nanjing Agricultural University, were graduated from SCUTA.
CATAS/SCUTA have acquired 895 achievements in the past more than 40 years, of which more than 290 were awarded various prizes at the state, ministerial and provincial levels. Some of the achievements are among the world level. CATAS/SCUTA have since made great contributions to the development of tropical agriculture in China.
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