
【AWE USA 2024】第15届Auggie Awards获奖名单揭晓,Quest 3荣获最佳头戴设备

文章来源:VR陀螺 作者:jack 发布时间:2024年06月24日 点击数: 字号:

AWE USA 2024已于6月20日在美国加州长滩落下帷幕,本届Auggie Awards的获奖名单也随之揭晓。其中“最佳头戴式设备”的奖项被Meta Quest 3摘得,完整获奖名单如下(注:短杠后为开发者/厂商名称):


JFK Memento: An Immersive Chronicle of the Assassination – TARGO


New Messi Chicken Sandwich x Hard Rock Café – CamOn XR


SAMARitan – HENSOLDT Sensors


Webex Hologram – Cisco


Pillow – Pillow


Between Realities – Between Realities


STYLY Studio – STYLY, Inc.


8th Wall’s Metaversal Deployment – Niantic


Hyper-realistic Safety Training System (immerseLearn) – Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)


Campfire – Campfire


Kluest – Sons of a Bit Entertainment


Meta Quest 3 – Meta


Hands-Only CPR VR – American Heart Association


3lb Games


HTC VIVE Ultimate Tracker – HTC VIVE


Japantown Geospatial for Paper Tree Origami – Rock Paper Reality


TouchKEY+ Multisensory Station – WEART


AI and Augmented Reality at Pfizer - ”Manufacturing AR Co-Pilot” – Pfizer



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