

文章来源:中国智能家居网 作者: 发布时间:2011年11月07日 点击数: 字号:

Crestron Digital Home Technology Wins Six Product Awards at CEDIA EXPO 2011




The Only Complete Solution to Transition the Home from Analog to Digital Leaves Custom Electronics Industry Raving About New Crestron Products




Crestron was recognized for its new home technology innovations and new product development by CEDIA, the trade press, and attendees, winning six best product awards, including the Attendees' Choice Award, at CEDIA EXPO 2011 in Indianapolis. Experts from CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association) and the most popular custom electronics trade publications selected the best of the best from thousands of products in a wide variety of home technology categories. Both CEDIA and show attendees agree the DigitalMedia™ 6X6 Distribution Center and Sonnex™ 24X8 Multiroom Audio System were the best products at the industry's landmark trade show. Showcasing the biggest selection of audio, video, home theater, and whole home automation technology, CEDIA EXPO is the world's largest annual custom electronics trade show.


在印第安纳波利斯举行的2011年度美国家庭智能化设计及安装博览会上,快思聪荣膺包括“来宾人气奖”在内的六项最佳产品奖,凭借其全新的家庭技术创新和新产品开发赢得了CEDIA、专业媒体和与会者的赞誉。来自CEDIA(定制电子系统设计与安装协会)的专家和最流行的定制电子专业刊物从涉及家用技术的几千款产品中优中选优,最终敲定了快思聪的产品。CEDIA和与会来宾一致认为DigitalMedia 6X6分配中心以及Sonnex 24X8多房间音频系统是本次行业展会上的最佳产品。CEDIA博览会是展示音频、视频、家庭影院和整体家用自动化技术的专业性盛会,也是世界上规模最大、一年一度的定制电子业展会。


"Our ground breaking new technology provides a better home entertainment experience for consumers and easier installation for our dealers," said Crestron VP of Technology, Fred Bargetzi. "With all the great products here at the show, to have our new products win six awards speaks for itself."


“我们极具开拓性的全新技术为消费者提供了更出色的家庭娱乐体验,也使安装商安装的更方便,”快思聪的技术副总裁Fred Bargetzi说道,“在本次展会的诸多伟大产品中,我们的新产品赢得了六个奖项,这已说明了一切。”


CEDIA Electronic Lifestyles® Awards are the most prestigious form of recognition in the custom electronics industry, presented each year to recognize industry excellence.


CEDIAElectronic Lifestyles®的各种奖项是定制电子行业最负盛名的一种认可方式,这些奖项每年颁发一次,以表彰行业的卓越者。


Two Crestron products, the 6x6 DigitalMedia™ Distribution Center and the 24X8 Sonnex™ Multiroom Audio System, won the celebrated CEDIA Best New Product Award.


快思聪的两款产品,6x6 DigitalMedia™分配中心和24X8 Sonnex™多房间音频系统,赢得了著名的CEDIA最佳新产品奖。


Selected unanimously by CEDIA EXPO 2011 attendees, which comprises custom installers, integrators and systems designers, Sonnex™ 24X8 Multi-Room Audio System also won the CEDIA Attendees' Choice Award for best product at the show.


在出席2011年度CEDIA博览会,包括定制安装商、集成商和系统设计者在内的与会嘉宾的一致推选下,Sonnex 24X8多房间音频系统还摘得了本次展会的CEDIA来宾人气奖。

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