
Cult3D 开发教程_从入门到精通(四)

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Cult3D 开发教程_从入门到精通(四)
一、如何获取 Cult3d 开发软件

  浏览 Cycore 的主页 "http://www.cult3d.com" 获取免费的 Cult3d动画播放插件的最新版本,对于非商业用户来说, Cult3d 开发软件也是免费的,请参阅注册条款或直接与 Cycore 联系。


Cult3D Viewer Plug-in Requirements
                    Minimum                  Ideal
CPU          Pentium ®133 MHz or 100% compatible  compatible Fastest possible Intel
             Pentium ®with MMX or 100% compatible

RAM          16 Mb                           128+ Mb
Disk         1 Mb free                       1 Mb free
Browser/OS   Netscape v4.5+                  Netscape v4.5+
             - Windows 95/98                 - Windows 95/98
             - Windows NT 4.0                - Windows NT 4.0
             - MacOS for PowerPC             - MacOS for PowerPC
             - HP-UX 10.10 or later          - HP-UX 10.10 or later
             - Solaris 2.4 (SPARC) or later  - Solaris 2.4 (SPARC) or later
             AIX 4 or later                  AIX 4 or later
             - Linux 2.0 or later            - Linux 2.0 or later
             Internet Explorer v4            Internet Explorer v4
             - Windows 95/98                 - Windows 95/98
             - Windows NT 4.0                - Windows NT 4.0
             - DEC Alpha Windows NT          - DEC Alpha Windows NT 

             Internet Explorer v5            Internet Explorer v5
             - Windows 95/98                 - Windows 95/98
             - WindowsNT 4.0                 - WindowsNT 4.0 

Cult3D Designer Requirements

                 Minimum Ideal
CPU           Pentium ®133 MHz or 100% compatible      Fastest possible Intel Pentium ®w/MMX or
                                                       100% compatible
RAM           16 Mb                                    128+ Mb
Disk          10 Mb free                               100 Mb free
OS            Windows 95/98 or                         Windows NT v4.0 Windows 95/98 or Windows NT v4.0
Applications  3D modeling or 3D animation              3D modeling or 3D animation 
              software with a Cult3D Exporter          software with a Cult3D Exporter

              Currently supported: 3D Studio MAX ®R2+  Currently supported: 3D Studio MAX ®R2+

Browser       Netscape v4.5+                           Netscape v4.5+
              Internet Explorer v4+                    Internet Explorer v4+
              Internet Explorer v5                     Internet Explorer v5

三、安装 Cult3d 开发软件

  Cult3d 开发软件安装向导包括 Cult3d 输出插件,为了安装该插件,你应该把它安装入 3DS MAX 的 plug-in 目录下。

  安装向导会自动寻找 3DS MAX 的 plug-in 目录的所在位置,并把插件安装到那里。当然,你也可以把路径指定给它,但要确保路径正确,否则插件不会正常工作。


  如果你在安装的过程中遇到了问题。可以到以下网址:"http://www.cult3d.com/support/" 获取更多信息。你还可以用Email:support@cult3d.com 与技术支持人员联系。


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