

文章来源:[SouVR.com]网络收集整理 作者:Frank/Tracy 发布时间:2010年06月03日 点击数: 字号:



[英]Quancheng College of University of Jinan   泉城学院是隶属于济南大学的一个二级学院,并紧紧依靠济南大学实施教学管理、教学质量监督检查、学生育人等环节。学院内部采用新型管理体制和运行机制,本着精干、高效的原则,建立一支高素质的管理干部队伍,注重以学生为本,为学生提供高效、优质的教育管理服务。   泉城学院依托济南大学的综合办学优势,专业设置主要面向地方和区域社会、经济发展的需要,并不断创造条件发展社会和人力资源市场急需的热门专业。学生毕业后,将授予国家统一的济南大学泉城学院的毕业证书。本科生经济南大学学位委员会审核,成绩合格,将授予国家统一的学士学位证书。   2006年9月   A Brief Introduction of Quancheng College   Quancheng College of University of Jinan is authorized by the National education department and the people's government of Shandong Province.It is an independent college which contains specialty and undergraduate. Situated in No.13 Shungeng Road,Jinan,the capital city of Shangdong Province, our college covers an area of 288 mu, covers an area of 70,000 square k


ilometers to be used as administration area. The cost of the teaching equipment is more than 200,000 books. The provience is located on the east coastal part of China and the lower reach of Yellow River.Not only is it one of the most economically developed coastal provinces in China,but also a major contributor to the ancient Chinese culture-the auspicious birthplace of Qilu culture.   The college takes the new systems of running and management, and it depends on the great education abilities of University of Jinan.We insist on the ideal "humanist,governs the school severely,the prominent characteristic, guaranteed quality" and the inspirit"take the student as the main body;take the teacher as the instruction".It will pursue the soul of "University of Jinan" and train a lot of elites who have the ability of creation and application in different fields actively.   The institute will open to the whole country to enroll students and it is in the national enrollment plan about the university. When the students finished their study in the school,they will receive the graduation certification. If the undergraduates pass the bachelor examination,they will be the bachelors of University of Jinan.Our school will insist on the principle "fair,public,choose the best,considering on the integrity, intelligence, physics" andchoose the best students legally according to their marks and will.   web of Quancheng College of Jinan: jdqy.ujn.edu.cn




本、专科层次的学历教育。学院设在山东省济南市舜耕路27号(原济南联合大学校区)。校园环境幽雅,基础设施完备,办学条件优越,具有良好的育人条件和人文环境。学校占地288亩,教学行政用房建筑面积为7万平方米,教学仪器设备价值1600万元,图书20万余册。校园环境优雅,基本设施先进,办学条件齐备。   泉城学院是隶属于济南大学的一个二级学院,并紧紧依靠济南大学实施教学管理、教学质量监督检查、学生育人等环节。学院内部采用新型管理体制和运行机制,本着精干、高效的原则,建立一支高素质的管理干部队伍,注重以学生为本,为学生提供高效、优质的教育管理服务。   泉城学院依托济南大学的综合办学优势,专业设置主要面向地方和区域社会、经济发展的需要,并不断创造条件发
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