
1 Wu Wen-tsün. On the products of sphere bundles and the duality theorem modulo two. Ann of Math. , 1948, 49 (2): 641—653.2 Wu Wen-tsün. Sur les classes caracteristiques des structures fibrees spheriques. Actualites Sci. Ind. , No. 1183,Paris Hermann & Cie,1952.
3 吴文俊.Pontrjagin示性类,Ⅰ-V.数学学报,1953,3:291-315;1954,4:171-199;323-346;1955,5:37-63;401-410.
4 Wu Wen-tsün. A theory of imbedding, Immersion, and isotopy of polytopes in an Euclidean space. Beijing: Science Press, 1965. (中文本:吴文俊.可剖形在欧氏空间中的实现问题.北京:科学出版社,1978).
5 Wu Wen-tsiin. Rational homotopy type—a constructive study via the theory of the I-measure. Lecture Notes in Math. , No. 1264, SpringerVerlag, 1987.
6 Wu Wen-tsün. On Chern numbers of algebraic varieties with arbitrary singularities. Acta. Math. Sinica, New series, 1987, 3: 227—238.
7 吴文俊.我国古代测望之学重差理论评介,兼评数学史研究中某些方法问题.科技史文集第8辑.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1982:10-30.
8 吴文俊主编.《九章算术》与刘徽(中国数学史研究丛书之一).北京:北京师范大学出版社,1982.
9 吴文俊.出入相补原理.见8,第58-75页.
10 吴文俊.《海岛算经》古证探源.见8,第162-180页.
11 吴文俊主编.秦九韶与《数书九章》(中国数学史研究丛书之二).北京:北京师范大学出版社,1987.
12 吴文俊.从《数书九章》看中国传统数学构造性与机械化的特色.见11,第73-88页.
13 Wu Wen-tsün. Recent studies of the history of Chinese mathematics.(Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians, Berkeley,California, USA, 1986) 1987, 1657—1667.
14 Wu Wen-tsün. On the decision problem and the mechanization of theorem-proving in elementary geometry. Scientia Sinica, 1978, 21: 159—172. (重印于 Automated Theorem Proving, after 25 years. W. W. Bledsoe & D. W. Lovelandeds. , 1984, 213—234.)
15 吴文俊.初等微分几何定理的机器证明.中国科学,数学专辑(Ⅰ),1979,94-102.
16 吴文俊.几何定理机器证明的基本原理(初等几何部分)(计算机科学丛书).北京:科学出版社,1984.
17 吴文俊主编.刘微数学讨论班报告集.合肥:安徽科学技术出版社,1988.
18 吴文俊.几何学机械化方法及其应用.见17,第181-188页.
19 Wu Wen-tsün. Mathematics-mechanization research No. 1—4. 1987—1996. (共收入吴文俊8篇论文,其中包括(1) A zero structure theorem for polynomial-equation solving,No. 1,pp. 2—12; (2)Mechanical