1957年 当选为中国科学院数理化学部委员。
1961—1964年 任苏联杜布纳联合核子研究所研究员,中国组长。
1964—1973年 任中国科学院原子能研究所副所长,兼宇宙线研究室主任。
1973—1983年 任中国科学院高能物理研究所所长。
1978—1984年 兼任中国科学技术大学近代物理系主任。
1979年 起任中美高能物理联合委员会第一、二届中方主席。
1984年 起任中国科学院高能物理研究所名誉所长。
1992年11月5日 在北京病逝。
1 W.Y.Chang(张文裕).Air-earth electrical current measurement of at- mospheric conductivify.B.S.thesis in Yenching,University,Peiping, China,1931,May1.
2 W.Y.Chang.Some thermomagnetic electrical and the rmomechanical electrical properties of iron.M.S.thesis in Yenching University,1932, November.
3 W.Y.Chang and William Band.Thermomagnetic hysteresis in steel.Proceedings of Physical Society of London,1933,45:602.
4 W.Y.Chang and C.S.Wang(王承书).Continuous records of theatmospheric potential gradient at yenching.中国物理学报,1934,1:93.
5 W.Y.Chang and Y.M.Hsien(谢玉铭).Electrical insulation of baked soapstone.中国化学学会志,1935,Ⅲ:183.
6 W.Y.Chang.Some properties of baked soapstones.Science,1935,83:376.
7 J.R.S.Waring and W.Y.Chang.The formation of radio-phosphorous(30P).Proceedings of Royal Society of London,1936,A157:65.
8 W.Y.Chang and A.Szalay.The formation of radio-aluminium28Al)and the resonance effect of Mg25.Proceedings of Royal Society of Lon- don,1937,A159:72.
9 Resonance effect of nuclear transmutations and formation of radioactive is otopes.Adissertation submitted by W.Y.Chang.Jesus College,Cam- bridge,Dec,1937.
10 W.B.Lewis,W.E.Burcham and W.Y.Chang.α-Particles fromthe radioactive disintegration of a light element.Nature,1937,139:24.
11 w.Y.Chang,M.Goldhaber,R.Sagane.Radioactivity produced bygamma rays and neutrons of high energy.Nature,1937,139:962.
12 C.L.Smih and W.Y.Chang.An accurate determination of the range- distribution curve of the radioactive α-Particles from8Li.Proceedings of Roya1 Society of London,1938,A166:415.
13 C.S.Wang(Mrs.W.Y.Chang)and W.Y.Chang.Analysis ofbeta-disintegration data,PartI.The sargent curves and fermi K.U. The o ies of beta-radioactivity.Science RecordI,1942,98.
14 W.Y.Chang and C.S.Wang.Analysis of beta-disintegration data, PartⅡ.The probability of beta-disintegration and the complexity of the atomic nuclei.Science RecordI,1942,103.
15 W.Y.Chang.The regularities in energy levels of 1ight nuclei.Phys.Rev.,1944,65:352.
16 W.Y.Chang and S.Rosenblum.Two simple apparatus for measuring the cyclotron(vertical)magnetic field with high accuracy.Review of Sci- entific Instrument,1945,16:75.
17 W.Y.Chang and S.Rosenblum.A simple counting system for alpha ray spectra and the energy distribution of Po alpha-particles.Phys. Rev.1945,67:222.
18 W.Y.Chang.Short-range alpha-particles from Po.Phys.Rev.1945,67:267.
19 S.Rosenblum and W.Y.Chang.A simple counting system for alpha- ray spectra.Phys.Rev.,1945,67:58.
20 W.Y.Chang.A study of the alpha-ray spectra by the cyclotron magnet. Phys.Rev.,1945,67:589.
21 W.Y.Chang.A study of the alpha-particles from Po with a cyclotron- magnet alpha-ray spectrograph.Phys.Rve.,1946,69:60.
22 W.Y.Chang.Low energyalpha-ray spectra and mechanism of alpha- decay.Phys.Rev.,1946,69:254.
23 W.Y.Chang.Low energy alpha-particles from radium.Phys.Rev., 1946,70:632.
24 W.Y.Chang.Alpha-ray spectra of RaC and RaC'.Phys.Rev.,1948, 74:1195.
25 W .Y.
1957年 当选为中国科学院数理化学部委员。
1961—1964年 任苏联杜布纳联合核子研究所研究员,中国组长。
1964—1973年 任中国科学院原子能研究所副所长,兼宇宙线研究室主任。
1973—1983年 任中国科学院高能物理研究所所长。
1978—1984年 兼任中国科学技术大学近代物理系主任。
1979年 起任中美高能物理联合委员会第一、二届中方主席。
1984年 起任中国科学院高能物理研究所名誉所长。
1992年11月5日 在北京病逝。
1 W.Y.Chang(张文裕).Air-earth electrical current measurement of at- mospheric conductivify.B.S.thesis in Yenching,University,Peiping, China,1931,May1.2 W.Y.Chang.Some thermomagnetic electrical and the rmomechanical electrical properties of iron.M.S.thesis in Yenching University,1932, November.
3 W.Y.Chang and William Band.Thermomagnetic hysteresis in steel.Proceedings of Physical Society of London,1933,45:602.
4 W.Y.Chang and C.S.Wang(王承书).Continuous records of theatmospheric potential gradient at yenching.中国物理学报,1934,1:93.
5 W.Y.Chang and Y.M.Hsien(谢玉铭).Electrical insulation of baked soapstone.中国化学学会志,1935,Ⅲ:183.
6 W.Y.Chang.Some properties of baked soapstones.Science,1935,83:376.
7 J.R.S.Waring and W.Y.Chang.The formation of radio-phosphorous(30P).Proceedings of Royal Society of London,1936,A157:65.
8 W.Y.Chang and A.Szalay.The formation of radio-aluminium28Al)and the resonance effect of Mg25.Proceedings of Royal Society of Lon- don,1937,A159:72.
9 Resonance effect of nuclear transmutations and formation of radioactive is otopes.Adissertation submitted by W.Y.Chang.Jesus College,Cam- bridge,Dec,1937.
10 W.B.Lewis,W.E.Burcham and W.Y.Chang.α-Particles fromthe radioactive disintegration of a light element.Nature,1937,139:24.
11 w.Y.Chang,M.Goldhaber,R.Sagane.Radioactivity produced bygamma rays and neutrons of high energy.Nature,1937,139:962.
12 C.L.Smih and W.Y.Chang.An accurate determination of the range- distribution curve of the radioactive α-Particles from8Li.Proceedings of Roya1 Society of London,1938,A166:415.
13 C.S.Wang(Mrs.W.Y.Chang)and W.Y.Chang.Analysis ofbeta-disintegration data,PartI.The sargent curves and fermi K.U. The o ies of beta-radioactivity.Science RecordI,1942,98.
14 W.Y.Chang and C.S.Wang.Analysis of beta-disintegration data, PartⅡ.The probability of beta-disintegration and the complexity of the atomic nuclei.Science RecordI,1942,103.
15 W.Y.Chang.The regularities in energy levels of 1ight nuclei.Phys.Rev.,1944,65:352.
16 W.Y.Chang and S.Rosenblum.Two simple apparatus for measuring the cyclotron(vertical)magnetic field with high accuracy.Review of Sci- entific Instrument,1945,16:75.
17 W.Y.Chang and S.Rosenblum.A simple counting system for alpha ray spectra and the energy distribution of Po alpha-particles.Phys. Rev.1945,67:222.
18 W.Y.Chang.Short-range alpha-particles from Po.Phys.Rev.1945,67:267.
19 S.Rosenblum and W.Y.Chang.A simple counting system for alpha- ray spectra.Phys.Rev.,1945,67:58.
20 W.Y.Chang.A study of the alpha-ray spectra by the cyclotron magnet. Phys.Rev.,1945,67:589.
21 W.Y.Chang.A study of the alpha-particles from Po with a cyclotron- magnet alpha-ray spectrograph.Phys.Rve.,1946,69:60.
22 W.Y.Chang.Low energyalpha-ray spectra and mechanism of alpha- decay.Phys.Rev.,1946,69:254.
23 W.Y.Chang.Low energy alpha-particles from radium.Phys.Rev., 1946,70:632.
24 W.Y.Chang.Alpha-ray spectra of RaC and RaC'.Phys.Rev.,1948, 74:1195.
25 W .Y.