

文章来源:[SouVR.com]网络收集整理 作者:Frank/Tracy 发布时间:2010年03月17日 点击数: 字号:
of extra-curricular activities such as English Speech Contests, English Performances of Plays, English Salon, English Corner, and voluntary English teaching activities in nearby middle schools. These are all to arouse students’ interest in learning and above all to develop their basic English language skills.
  With the aim of training students’ communicative competence, FL teaching skills and cultural awareness as a definitive feature, FLLD has gone all out to construct an applied personnel training mode in optimizing the curriculum and content of courses in order to meet the needs of society.
  FLLD encourages academic research and establishes links with colleges and universities domestically and abroad. At present 12 teachers are working via the internet for their M.A. degrees from Rio Grande University in the USA. Dr. Liu Jun, a lifetime professor in California University and Dr. Sun Jinanrong, a lifetime professor at Rio Grande University are guests and part-time professors lecturing in the department on a regular basis. Dr. Ken Dillard and his students from Cincinnati University, USA, have maintained exchange programs with the department for several years.
  The department attaches great importance to teaching quality, style of study and teaching management. Ever since the foundation of the department, over 100 excellent students have pursued their further studies in Beijing University, China Foreign Affairs University, Renmin University of China, Shanghai Fudan University and Xi’an Jiaotong University to list just a few. These students have gained Master’s and Doctor’s degrees. Now our graduates can be found in different fields all over China. In recent years our students’ pass rate in TEM-4, TEM-8, CET-4 and CET6 has been rising constantly and almost all students have been fully employed in recent years.
  宝鸡文理学院历史文化与旅游系建立于 1985 年 9 月,当年始招历史学专业专科生, 1988 年 9 月始招本科生, 2004 年增设旅游管理专业。目前在校本科生616 名。历史学专业培养适应中学教育发展的合格历史教师;旅游管理专业培养旅游景点、旅行社和饭店管理专门人才。
  历史文化与旅游系师资力量雄厚,现有教职工 28 人,其中教授 6 人 、副教授 6 人,博士 6 人,硕士 7 人。近年来先后承担国家社科基金项目 1 项,陕西省社科基金项目 2 项,教育厅专项科研课题 3 项,承担院级科研课题 20 项,在全国中文核心期刊发表论文 20 多篇,其中 4篇被《新华文摘》摘录,出版著作和教材 15 部。其中 3 人获得省、厅级奖励, 6 人获得市政府和院级奖励。其中4人入选院中青年拔尖人才, 2 人获“学科带头人”称号, 1 人获“学术带头人”称号。
  历史文化与旅游系以“熟读典籍厚基础,深研理论增能力,参加实践长阅历,勇于科研求创新”为学风,教师敬业笃研,学生勤奋好学,教学质量不断提高,多次荣获知识竞赛和辩论赛冠军,就业率始终达 95% 以上, 20 多年来培养了千余名合格毕业生,其中百余名考取了研究生, 15 名考取了公务员,其余都胜任中学教师,近 200 人已担任领导职务和高级教师。
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