Unity发布跨平台游戏开发软件Unity3D 2.5
plex hierarchies when it's in Center mode.
Fixed Joints that are connected to themselves.
Fixed Mac vs. PC byte orders in terrain .raw files being swapped.
Mass Place Trees is properly undoable.
Switch texture format to one that has alpha channel when Generate Alpha from Grayscale is enabled.
priority parameter for MenuItem attribute actually works now.
Fixed crash when importing some TrueType fonts.
Error Pause in the console works for script exceptions.
In Cubemap inspector you can create cubemap from skybox images without having to mirror them.
Gizmos.color and Gizmos.matrix are reset before calling any gizmo functions.
Fixed importing prOGREss bar for movies without audio.
Fixed terrain lightmap shaders not working in editor on some old cards (e.g. GeForce 2).
Mesh importer was putting random values into normals and tangents of unused vertices.
Web Player Fixes:
OS X web player correctly clips the game area if it does not fit on screen.
Work around a bug in Vista + Internet Explorer 8 (RC1) where going fullscreen hangs up the browser. Now fullscreen is disabled there :(
Work around Firefox 3.0.x scripting interface bug on OS X that made some games not work.
Fixed non-focused web players able to read keyboard input.
Fixed OS X web player flicker while scrolling in Firefox.
Graphics Fixes:
Fixed Camera.RenderWithShader in some cases messing up image effects if called from inside of OnPreRender.
Fixed Water becoming blocky on some Intel cards when game is running for many hours. Update Standard Assets and Pro Standard Assets to get the fix!
GUI.DrawTexture fixes: can handle non power of two render textures; fixed 50% opacity when there's no other UnityGUI used; correctly takes GUI.BeginGroup clipping rectangles into account.
Rendering Stats window gathers any rendering done during Update and other functions. Rendering through GL class is captured now as well.
Reported VRAM size should be more robust now on OS X (previously was reporting 256MB for some 512MB cards).
Fixed Texture2D.ReadPixels being upside down when reading from render textures on Windows.
Fixed TexGen ObjectLinear not producing correct texture Z coordinate.
Fixed Movie Textures leaking some memory.
Fixed occasional movie playback crash when movie is more tall than wide and is not power of two in size.
Fixed Camera.SetReplacementShader not taking the tag value into account.
Fixed particle rendering in orthographic scene view.
Fixed large GUI areas clipping off last pixel row/column on Radeon HD graphics cards.
Fixed crash in Graphics.DrawMeshNow if there is no current camera.
Fixed setting mesh.triangles corrupting data when mesh has multiple submeshes and you set a smaller triangle array.
Documentation Fixes:
Much better documentation for Editor scripting API.
Attributes are on a separate page in scripting reference.
Fixed scripting reference search not finding some words (e.g. Mathf.Sign)
Fixed broken links in printable documentation (printable.html)
Fixed Joints that are connected to themselves.
Fixed Mac vs. PC byte orders in terrain .raw files being swapped.
Mass Place Trees is properly undoable.
Switch texture format to one that has alpha channel when Generate Alpha from Grayscale is enabled.
priority parameter for MenuItem attribute actually works now.
Fixed crash when importing some TrueType fonts.
Error Pause in the console works for script exceptions.
In Cubemap inspector you can create cubemap from skybox images without having to mirror them.
Gizmos.color and Gizmos.matrix are reset before calling any gizmo functions.
Fixed importing prOGREss bar for movies without audio.
Fixed terrain lightmap shaders not working in editor on some old cards (e.g. GeForce 2).
Mesh importer was putting random values into normals and tangents of unused vertices.
Web Player Fixes:
OS X web player correctly clips the game area if it does not fit on screen.
Work around a bug in Vista + Internet Explorer 8 (RC1) where going fullscreen hangs up the browser. Now fullscreen is disabled there :(
Work around Firefox 3.0.x scripting interface bug on OS X that made some games not work.
Fixed non-focused web players able to read keyboard input.
Fixed OS X web player flicker while scrolling in Firefox.
Graphics Fixes:
Fixed Camera.RenderWithShader in some cases messing up image effects if called from inside of OnPreRender.
Fixed Water becoming blocky on some Intel cards when game is running for many hours. Update Standard Assets and Pro Standard Assets to get the fix!
GUI.DrawTexture fixes: can handle non power of two render textures; fixed 50% opacity when there's no other UnityGUI used; correctly takes GUI.BeginGroup clipping rectangles into account.
Rendering Stats window gathers any rendering done during Update and other functions. Rendering through GL class is captured now as well.
Reported VRAM size should be more robust now on OS X (previously was reporting 256MB for some 512MB cards).
Fixed Texture2D.ReadPixels being upside down when reading from render textures on Windows.
Fixed TexGen ObjectLinear not producing correct texture Z coordinate.
Fixed Movie Textures leaking some memory.
Fixed occasional movie playback crash when movie is more tall than wide and is not power of two in size.
Fixed Camera.SetReplacementShader not taking the tag value into account.
Fixed particle rendering in orthographic scene view.
Fixed large GUI areas clipping off last pixel row/column on Radeon HD graphics cards.
Fixed crash in Graphics.DrawMeshNow if there is no current camera.
Fixed setting mesh.triangles corrupting data when mesh has multiple submeshes and you set a smaller triangle array.
Documentation Fixes:
Much better documentation for Editor scripting API.
Attributes are on a separate page in scripting reference.
Fixed scripting reference search not finding some words (e.g. Mathf.Sign)
Fixed broken links in printable documentation (printable.html)
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下一篇:Nvidia宣布为Wii提供PhysX SDK[ 03-29 ]