教学》等 国家及省级论文十余篇
4.主持“外语人才培养与市场供求关系研究报告”、 “网络环境下“2+2”新型英语
教学变量间的互动研究” 等省级、 国家级
5. 译著《欺诈》、《琪琪姨妈的忠告》、《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》、《蓝血》等十余部,文字总量300多万字。
性别: 男
职称: 副研员
民族: 汉
1994年7月 吉林化工学院(工学士) 1997年3月 天津大学应用化学(工学修士) 2003年9月 熊本大学大学院工学研究科生物生命科博士课程修了(工学博士) 1997年4月 天津大学大学应用化学系 助手(1999年9月止) 1999年10月 天津大学应用化学系 工程师(2000年10月) 2003年10月 (独)科学技术振兴机构(JST)重点地域研究开発推进事业・研究员 2005年6月 天津大学化工学院 化学工程研究所 副研员
2.1 代表论文 1)Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, ``Recovery of trace hydrogen by cryogenic adsorption`` Separation and purification technology 35(2004) 105-112 2)Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, ``Kinetics in hydrogen isotopes cryogenic adsorption`` Separation and purification technology. 37(2004) 1-8 3)Formation of L-poly(lactic acid) microspheres by rapid expansion of CO2 saturated polymer suspensions The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, Volume 33, Issue 3, March 2005, Pages 275-281 (SCI) 4)Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, ``Hydrogen isotopes separation by cryogenic adsorption. Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan (2003) accepted 5)Donghui Zhang, Shubiao Zhang Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, “Parameters consideration in a simulation of binary components adsorption behavior in a fixed column” Separation and purification technology. Submitted for review 6) Donghui Zhang, Shubiao Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose,“Equilibrium model for hydrogen isotopes cryogenic separation with zeolite as adsorbent.” Chemical Engineering Science. Submitted for review。
2.2 学会発表 1) Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, ``Hydrogen Isotopes Separation by Cryogenic Adsorption`` Proceedings of APCChE, Christchurch, New Zealand, Sep.29-Oct.4th, 736, (2002) 2) Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, "The Possibility of Deuterium Enrichment by Cryogenic Pressure Swing Adsorption`` Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Separation Technology; Tokyo, October 4-6, 553-556 (2002) 3) Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, ``The enrichment of Trace Hydrogen by Pressure Swing Adsorption`` Poster, AIChE Fall Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, Nov.3-8, (2002) 4)Donghui Zhang, Akio Kodama, Motonobu Goto, and Tsutomu Hirose, ``Parameters consideration in a simulation of fixed column``. The 15th Symposium on chemical engineering. Kumamoto, Japan, Dec.7-8, (2002) 5) “Formation of Poly(methacrylate ester) Microspheres by Polymerization in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide” Proceedings of APCChE“(2004) 6) Donghui Zhanga*, Kenji Mishimab, Kiyoshi Matsuyamab, Motonobu Gotoc “Experimental and theoretical study of supercritical fluids extraction of flavonoids” Journal of supercritical fluids (2004), submitted for review 7) Donghui Zhang, Kenji Mishima, Su