波士顿美术博物馆 Fine Arts,Boston,Museum of 美国博物馆,位于波士顿亨廷顿大街 465 号 。
该馆共设有美国装饰艺术和雕塑 、亚洲艺术 、古典艺术、埃及和古代近东艺术、欧洲装饰艺术和雕塑、绘画艺术、印刷、素描和照片、纺织、20 世纪艺术9个部门178个展室。其中亚洲艺术品的收藏最为丰富,堪与世界各大美术馆相媲美。不仅有中国、日本、朝鲜等国的青铜、陶瓷、绘画、书法、纺织品、雕塑等上下五千年的各类艺术瑰宝,如著名中国古画唐阎立本《历代帝王图》、宋徽宗摹唐张萱《捣练图》等,还有亚洲各地的伊斯兰教、印度教和佛教艺术的珍品。
古典艺术品是该馆的重要藏品,包括古希腊、古罗马、伊特拉斯坎的青铜、陶瓷、雕塑、钱币、宝石、金银器、玻璃等。该馆还拥有世界上除法国外最大的 C.莫奈绘画馆和世界第一流的19世纪美国艺术馆。它的埃及古王国实物收藏在世界上占有重要地位。1927年该馆设立附属艺术学校。1979年该馆在波士顿市中心法纳尔大厦商场设立了分馆。该馆定期出版学术杂志《美术博物馆馆刊》。
The original MFA opened its doors to the public on July 4, 1876, the nation's centennial. Built in Copley Square, the MFA was then home to 5,600 works of art. Over the next several years, the collection and number of visitors grew exponentially, and in 1909 the Museum moved to its current home on Huntington Avenue.
Today the MFA is one of the most comprehensive art museums in the world; the collection encompasses nearly 450,000 works of art. We welcome more than one million visitors each year to experience art from ancient Egyptian to contemporary, special exhibitions, and innovative educational programs.
The MFA is embarked on an ambitious Campaign and Building Project, Building the New MFA. Designed by the world-renowned Foster and Partners architects, the New MFA comprises a new wing for American art; renovated art of Europe galleries; improved conservation and education facilities; a West Wing devoted entirely to contemporary art; and a new, larger public space—the Glass Courtyard.
该馆共设有美国装饰艺术和雕塑 、亚洲艺术 、古典艺术、埃及和古代近东艺术、欧洲装饰艺术和雕塑、绘画艺术、印刷、素描和照片、纺织、20 世纪艺术9个部门178个展室。其中亚洲艺术品的收藏最为丰富,堪与世界各大美术馆相媲美。不仅有中国、日本、朝鲜等国的青铜、陶瓷、绘画、书法、纺织品、雕塑等上下五千年的各类艺术瑰宝,如著名中国古画唐阎立本《历代帝王图》、宋徽宗摹唐张萱《捣练图》等,还有亚洲各地的伊斯兰教、印度教和佛教艺术的珍品。
古典艺术品是该馆的重要藏品,包括古希腊、古罗马、伊特拉斯坎的青铜、陶瓷、雕塑、钱币、宝石、金银器、玻璃等。该馆还拥有世界上除法国外最大的 C.莫奈绘画馆和世界第一流的19世纪美国艺术馆。它的埃及古王国实物收藏在世界上占有重要地位。1927年该馆设立附属艺术学校。1979年该馆在波士顿市中心法纳尔大厦商场设立了分馆。该馆定期出版学术杂志《美术博物馆馆刊》。
The original MFA opened its doors to the public on July 4, 1876, the nation's centennial. Built in Copley Square, the MFA was then home to 5,600 works of art. Over the next several years, the collection and number of visitors grew exponentially, and in 1909 the Museum moved to its current home on Huntington Avenue.
Today the MFA is one of the most comprehensive art museums in the world; the collection encompasses nearly 450,000 works of art. We welcome more than one million visitors each year to experience art from ancient Egyptian to contemporary, special exhibitions, and innovative educational programs.
The MFA is embarked on an ambitious Campaign and Building Project, Building the New MFA. Designed by the world-renowned Foster and Partners architects, the New MFA comprises a new wing for American art; renovated art of Europe galleries; improved conservation and education facilities; a West Wing devoted entirely to contemporary art; and a new, larger public space—the Glass Courtyard.